Donate by Post

Why not consider donating by post? It's easy and convenient! By sending your clothes, you can give them a second life while supporting vital blood cancer research. Your contributions help us make a significant impact, one package at a time. Join us in our mission to find a cure and improve lives today.

How it works

  • Sort Through Your Wardrobe Search your closets for good quality, reusable clothing items that you no longer need.
  • Request Postal Bags Order one postal bag (up to 10kg) with a label, or two bags for 10-15kg donations. After you fill them up, request labels from us via our third form.
  • Pack Your Items Gather your clothes and pack them up. Each package can weigh up to 15kg.
  • Get Your Labels Fill out our form to request your postage labels. We'll send them to you via email or post.
  • Send Your Package Drop your package off at your nearest post office or wait for your home collection. We’ll send you a confirmation email once we receive it.
  • Order a free postal bag for your donations (if upto 10kg)

    You will receive a free postal bag to fill up to 10kg, along with a label. Just pack it, take it to your nearest parcel shop, and post.
  • Order free postal bags for your donations (if expected to be 10 - 15kg)

    Order free postal bags for your donations (if expected each to be 10-15kg).
    You will receive two large postal bags for your donations. Once packed, please use the third form to request labels from us—these can be received by post or email.
  • Request your shipping label here (only if postal bags are for 10-15 kg)

    Request your shipping label here (only if requested and received postal bags from us for 10-15kg donations)
    Please use this form only if you have requested and filled 10-15kg bags. Complete the form to request labels, which can be sent by post or email.

    Please use this service only if you plan to fill a postal bag with up to 10kg of donations. To help reduce postage costs, we kindly ask that you order postal bags for donations of up to 15kg (we will send two postal bags for you to fill, each holding 10-15kg).

    We truly appreciate every donation and thank you for your support.

    Name *

    Address 1*

    Address 2

    Town *

    County *

    Postcode *

    Email *

    Phone number *

    We request a phone number in case the parcel is returned, as it's needed for the postal courier service.

    Would like to Subscribe to LMRUK and Donate Clothes 4 Sammy updates and news *


    Where did you hear about us?

    Information submitted through this form is NOT shared with third parties

      We will send you two large postal bags, each of which can hold up to 15kg. If you expect to fill less than 10kg, please use the first form. Otherwise, once you have filled the bags, please request postage labels from us.

      Name *

      Address 1*

      Address 2

      Town *

      County *

      Postcode *

      Email *

      Would like to Subscribe to LMRUK and Donate Clothes 4 Sammy updates and news *


      Where did you hear about us?

      Information submitted through this form is NOT shared with third parties

        Name *

        Email *

        Phone number *

        We request a phone number in case the parcel is returned, as it's needed for the postal courier service.

        How would you like to receive your label(s)*

        PostEmail (if you have the facility to print)

        Number of bags you've filled *

        please ensure weight is at least 10kg for this service

        Please provide 3 preferred collection days for the courier to pick up the parcel from your home at your convenience.

        To ensure we can process your request promptly and account for the postage of labels, the earliest preferred collection day would be in 10 days. If you have the facility to print labels yourself, please request email option so we can arrange a collection sooner. Thank you for your understanding.

        Address 1*

        Address 2

        Town *

        County *

        Postcode *

        Information submitted through this form is NOT shared with third parties